It was only right to release this piece on the 17th anniversary of "Madvillainy". One of my favorite collaborative albums but, importantly the soundtrack to my summer 2015. December 31st, 2020 was not only the day we could say goodbye to 2020, but also the day rap and hip hop fans received the global news that MC MF DOOM (All Caps) passed away in October, the day after Halloween.
A faceless caricature that stealthily murders a beat with a hot 16 vanishes into thin air.

How do you openly mourn the loss of a rapper that you don't know? That has been the question I asked myself since December 31st before the calendar flipped to 21. It was October of 2020 when I was watching Crate Diggers with J-Dilla on Youtube with my dad. Breaking down samples and quizzing the self-proclaimed music buff is the tightest moment of bonding we share. However, I took that moment a little farther and played ‘Hoe Cakes’ to see if he knew the sample. He didn’t, and that ladies and gentlemen was the first win for me. As I relished in the accomplishment, a slight pause came from my father. He blurted, 'Oh that’s Zev Love X from KMD'. My excitement shut down just as fast as it started. I thought I had a moment where I knew a little bit more music history than him.
From that point on, I played some more DOOM for his listening ears. “Rhymes like Dimes”, “Hoe Cakes” and “Meat Grinder” were a few tracks in the rotation. I looked at this moment as the way to school him on who I believe -- is the best MC. It's funny though how the man behind the mask had that effect on his fans. If you are familiar with the DOOM hive, then you know we are thorough. The Metal Fingers community has deep roots and a contagious impact on those who don't listen to Dumile often. You can see this impact on YouTube, social media, and even everyday living. I see at least two mentions of DOOM every day. Is that the algorithm or, is it his impact?

Part of me isn’t shocked by the passing of MF DOOM; the shock is towards how he went about it. I mean, let’s lay out the behaviors and reputation that made DOOM, DOOM. Do you know what’s cool about hip-hop/rap/r&b? At some point in time, you’ve probably heard of the artist that you are a fan of now but before had no idea of who they were. For example, did you know Currensy was in the Choppa style video, dancing front and center wearing a Currensy jersey? I say this to say that you never know when you will come across a future pioneer of hip-hop.
MF Doom, Zev Love X, King Geedorah, Viktor Vaughn, Metal Fingers, DOOM, or Metal Face’s alluring rhymes on savvy beats and samples created a space for fans such as myself to find an escape while also embracing the fact that MF DOOM composed music for a class created by and solely for him. It was very fitting of DOOM’s villainous character to go out in style. Why did it take 2.5 months for us to know about his passing? Aside from the privacy that the family wanted, I can only imagine DOOM making a request pre-death or years ago stating that he wants to pass away and notify everyone months later. In true villainy style, only one can respect.

My first exposure to MF Doom was through the cliche animated video playlist on MTV Jams. The Monkey Suite video was a terrible introduction of the MC into my life. Ultimately that was due to my lack of knowledge that wearing a Dr.Doom mask was the staple piece of MF DOOM. Nothing came from that encounter. Nevertheless, the animatronic alternative band Gorillaz had a daily spot in my ILO MP3 player. Gorillaz dropped the album “Demon Dayz” in 2005 with a hefty list of groups and artists. De La Soul, Del the Funky Homosapien, Ike Turner, and of course no one other than MF DOOM. Track 7, ‘November Has Come’, featured DOOM which opened my ears to a new--to me, style of rhyming. Effortless rhyming to be specific. And amongst the other MCs featured on Demon Days, Dumile stood out the most.
That is where the early stages of the MF DOOM discovery ended. Then SoundCloud happened. As I scoured the newly released platform in 2015 for new underground music, little did I know that I would come across the Magnum Opus of DOOM’s career through a song titled “Eye” ft Stacy Epps from the March 23rd, 2004 release Madvillainy. Have you ever experienced that moment when you hear a song and get long-lasting chills? Well, that's how I felt.
For me, when music, movies, and books stick -- I am forever indebted to that director, author, or producer. During the summer of 2015, 'Madvillainy' was the album that stuck with me. Aside from MBDTF, 'Madvillainy' was the magnum opus of DOOM and Madlib's career but also the magnum opus of my life. I had never experienced an intricately crafted album created to expound magic in my ears.
Why didn't anyone tell me about Madvilllainy? Was I under a rock when this album dropped (I was in Elementary school)? Why didn't my dad introduce me to KMD earlier? So many questions ran through my mind while experiencing the album. It made no sense how stealthy MF DOOM rapped. You listen to songs like "Accordion" or "Rhinestone Cowboy" that unapologetically show Dumile's rhyming skills. Not only do you see this in Madvillainy but also through "Mm...Food", the November 2004 album solely inspired by the villain's love for food.

Let's look at 'Kon Karne'. Who the hell has the time to rhyme every word with carne? DOOM that's who. The poeticism displayed throughout all of his music makes him untouchable. No one will ever beat the villain. "
A bizarre phenomenon—is your armor on?
Take your cash, Karma, or break your fast—Ramadan
Transaction drama—aw, come on, Barney
Clack, clack—pardon me, whack rap con Carne"

Listening to MF DOOM hits a little different today. I've enjoyed the fine experiences from listening to his catalog. To some, it may have been hard to wrap your mind around the fact that he passed in October. Oddly enough, his passing is how I expected he would go out. I understand the emotional toll behind his passing and the grief that follows. But, Dumile went out the way DOOM would. What rapper do you know throws a sold-out show, rocks the house, and then at the end
you find out it was Hannibal Burress rapping.
I find comfort and peace in his passing. To be honest, I'm happy to know that he stayed true to his character until the end. And for that, MF Doom, Zev Love X, King Geedorah, Viktor Vaughn, Metal Fingers, DOOM, or Metal Face is the greatest villain of all time.
Madvillainy hits a little different today...