As I lay here in social isolation, I find myself going through the black holes of Youtube Music and Apple Music. My findings have been rewarding, to say the least. I’ve enjoyed a plethora of music, some old, some new, and some that you might be familiar with. Even if that’s the case I would like to take this awkward time in America to share with you my Corona revisits and discoveries. Let’s get it!

If you enjoy indie films such as “Juno,” “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist,” or “Wallflower” and sprinkle some Vampire Weekend as the soundtrack, then you would enjoy the 2019 album by Men I Trust “Oncle Jazz.” The sophistication behind the faint, indie-pop album provides the perfect touch to a day of staring out the window. I had the pleasure of seeing Men I Trust live in concert. The night was truly a vibe, the group lives up to the good quality of music they put out.

Maybe it's the way this album entered my life. It was 2014, My senior year at Hampton. The trend at the time was changing everything that started with a "C" to a "B". I don't get why we were doing that but, whatever. Anyway "Bicken Back Being Bool" was played at almost every 12-2. "My Krazy Life" by YG was a staple in my iTunes library, specifically "My n' My B****." We will save that for another day. "My Krazy Life" leaves a sense of nostalgia that I enjoy revisiting especially now.

This album warrants a quarantine bae or "quaran-ting" to be honest. However, it is also good for solo, easy listening during nap time. Duo Sango and Xavier Omar teamed up in 2018 to create the refreshing fall/winter album "In The Comfort Of." I have enjoyed this album during my 3 days of social distancing from my cousin who is in the other room so I hope you all get a chance to enjoy it as well.

New Discovery
Positivity is needed for this social distancing/quarantine pandemic and "As the Sun Sets" by British duo, Cold Callers provides that. Many kudos to Apple Music for suggesting this group. Presenting a mellow vibe to my hump day made the trip to chick fila a little bit better. I wasn't sure if this was a hip-hop, r&b, blend of both or the latter album. Thoroughly enjoying the album, "As the Sun Sets" will be my entrance into the summer album.

A timeless EP that needs to be shared more often with the masses. I don't want to provoke any deep-seated feelings or warrant any unwanted texts after sharing this project with you. This EP by Awful Records princess, Abra has gotten me through the roughest breakups and feels. On the other hand, "BLQ Velvet" is an easy-listening album that could be added on any Quiet Storm playlist. This EP is a passionate ode to love so if you think you're lonely not, listening to this love letter from Abra may change that.

New Discovery
"You Are Here" - April and Vista
I've been following April + Vista for years on Instagram and Twitter. Their sound contributes to a subculture of r&b that has a lightly touched barrier. In this case "You Are Here" breaks the barrier with risks through vocalization, instrument choices, and production. If this project isn't on your playlist by the end of this quarantine, then here is the link to add it. Link

On the first day of WFH because of social distancing, I popped in my headphones and straight for the classic. Endless bop after bop when "Mystery to Me" is playing. I can only imagine how the sound of Fleetwood Mac impacted music when it first came out. I played this album first thing in the morning to set the mood for the WFH day.

As one of the greatest albums from my teen years, "Demon Days" by Gorillaz is a timeless classic that is often overlooked by mainstream society. Gorillaz had already made a name in alt-rock sub-genres but "Demon Days" was genre-bending infusing pop, synth, gospel, and MF Doom. Incorporating storytelling to explain the negative aspects of modern life and how it created an apocalypse on the Gorillaz earth. I could go on about Gorillaz "Demon Days" and turn it into a thinkpiece that I plan on doing soon but for now, pop that "Feel Good Inc" tape in for old time sake, sit back and rock out.